Message from the founder ✶

Hello, I am the founder of SimpleInsight Ltd my name is Michael Stewart. I am a qualified CIMA accountant and a qualified Digital Business Transformation Professional. I have over 20 years’ experience in accounting within industries such as Biotechnology, IT, Facilities Management, Manufacturing, Law, Transport, Utilities, Housing, Public and Private Healthcare and Telecommunications. Over this time, I have gained transformation experience and I have been exposed to a wide number of ERP systems. As the founder, I’m here to put SimpleInsight in the position to help solve problems for clients, using cloud and digital technology.

What I find amazing is the level of technology that is available for any organisation regardless of size. My passion is to use as much technology and new ways of working, to help bring clients more enjoyment in their working environment. Everyone has a mobile device, but how many people use its complete capability? The same can be said for cloud applications and digital technology. The world has become a place where online platforms help to drive innovation. The value is in the platform and this would be unthought of over 20 years ago. At SimpleInsight, we are here to put entities in a position to capitalise in the digital age, as it is clear, that being in the cloud is the foundation for the future.

✦ Who We Are?

We are accountants who love to use cloud and digital technology to enable the encouragement of changing mindsets, collaborative working and communication. It is our business to build sustainable organisations for the future, it is what the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) have done for 100 years.

✦ Present And Future

If you layer digitisation on top of the emergence of more data and innovative technologies, there becomes a need to embrace finance and data to drive decision making, in the volatile complex and uncertain world today, to create the agile and sustainable tomorrow.


Years of experience


Customer Satisfaction

✦ Value-Added Direction

We have witnessed many different styles of organisation from startups to multinationals. The many roles finance professionals undertake in business are important. Looking forward, it is the ability to help the business join the dots as a strategic advisor, that will become very important in the future. The ability to do this effectively is dependent on the right leadership, culture, mindset and technology to enable true business partnering to occur. If any of these elements are missing, then it becomes difficult for the business partner to send the value-added messages required in a timely manner, to impact on the strategic direction of the business.

Still Have Questions?

Speak to our team member about your needs. Email us anytime at

We are here to create diverse cloud connected startups